The Urban Guru Website

Cities of the World

15/01/2023 12:00

Latin American Cities

I am not a great fan of the British weekly "The Economist", particularly of their recurrent stance against land and housing regulations. However they sometimes produce interesting pieces on urban issues, like the attached article on the positive evolution of Latin American cities. Cities in Latin...


21/11/2022 00:00

COP 27 conclusion

Daniel Biau, 20 November 2022 Yesterday in Sharm el-Sheikh, COP 27 decided that developed nations should help developing countries pay for the catastrophic consequences of climate change - a “historic” agreement reached after weeks of negotiations and celebrated by the participants. We should...


05/10/2022 00:00

Basic and constant principles of Sustainable Urban Finance

The Urban Economy Forum is a Toronto-based initiative that focuses on urban economics and municipal finance. Its 4th session, on “Sustainable Urban Finance”, was held on 3-4 October 2022. Daniel Biau made the short intervention below in one of the round-tables. Dear Colleagues, I...


08/04/2022 09:00

Evaluating Kenya Housing Performance

General elections will take place in Kenya in August 2022. It is therefore time to have a look at the country achievements during the last five years. Launched in December 2017, the “Big Four” Agenda was the Government's set of priority programmes to be implemented from 2018 to 2022. The Big Four...


01/05/2021 19:37

Leçons Universelles d'un Urbaniste Africain

Présentation du livre "Alioune Badiane, Homme du Futur" dans Global Urban Think Tank.


01/05/2021 19:31

Universal Lessons from an African Urbanist

Presentation of the book "Alioune Badiane, a Man of the Future" in Global Urban Think Tank.


06/10/2020 21:30

Shifting Paradigms in Urbanism

The 2nd Urban Economy Forum (UEF) was held virtually from Toronto, Canada, on 5-6 October 2020. Daniel Biau was invited to contribute to a session on urban transformations that might be accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. His paper identifies eleven “shifting paradigms” which are likely to have...


31/05/2020 10:00

Prefiguring the Future of Democracy

A worldwide survey carried out by the University of Cambridge’s Centre for the Future of Democracy revealed that the proportion of the global population that was dissatisfied with democracy reached 58% in 2019. At the time of the publication of this study, I had just read three stimulating...


30/05/2020 10:00

Préfigurer l'avenir de la démocratie

Une enquête mondiale, réalisée par le Centre for the Future of Democracy de l'Université de Cambridge, a révélé que la proportion de la population mondiale insatisfaite de la démocratie atteignait 58 % en 2019. Au moment de la publication de cette étude, je venais de lire trois livres...


24/05/2020 09:01

Les défis urbains du Post-COVID-19 en Afrique

Que signifie la pandémie du Covid-19 pour la région dont l’urbanisation est la plus rapide du monde, l’Afrique ? Les gouvernements et les citoyens africains sont aujourd’hui confrontés aux risques posés par la pandémie, notamment dans les quartiers spontanés, foyers potentiels de...
