The Urban Guru Website

Cities of the World

10/05/2009 00:00

Des politiques du logement erronées à l'origine de la crise mondiale

Mille milliards de dollars   Le 7 septembre 2008, les deux géants du refinancement hypothécaire américain, Fannie Mae et Freddie Mac, ont été quasiment nationalisés par l’injection de 200 milliards de dollars du Trésor américain. Ils possédaient ensemble un portefeuille de plus de 5 billions...


01/03/2009 00:00

Global Financial Crisis, Misguided Housing Policies (in Chinese)

Global Financial Crisis - Misleading Housing Policies.pdf    Chinese version published in Urban and Rural Development (URD), Beijing, 2009


01/03/2009 00:00

The rise of Chinese and Indian Cities (in Chinese)

  The rise of Chinese and Indian cities.pdf    Chinese version published in "Human Settlements" magazine, Beijing, 2009


15/01/2009 00:00

Misguided housing credit, the root cause of the global financial crisis

Analyzing the world financial crisis which marked the end of 2008, this article of January 2009 (published in "Urban World", March 2009, in "Urbanisme", Paris, May 2009, in URD, Beijing, 2009 and in PoSIbles, Buenos Aires, 4/2009) called for a serious debate on housing finance systems. This is...


24/11/2008 00:00

Urban Challenges and Opportunities in Kenya

UN-Habitat has recently published the first “State of African Cities Report” in which a substantive chapter is devoted to East Africa, including to its largest cities of Addis Ababa, Nairobi and Dar Es-Salaam, and to its smaller agglomerations.   Before presenting the challenges that the...


01/11/2008 00:00

China-India urbanization (in Chinese)

China-India Urbanization.pdf    Article published in the Chinese Architectural Journal, Beijing, 2008


03/11/2007 00:00

Italie: une histoire urbaine en trois temps

L’histoire de l’Italie, berceau de l’urbanisation européenne, commence avec les Etrusques, entre Florence et Rome. Ils fondent les premières cités 600 ans avant notre ère selon un urbanisme méticuleux, avec des maisons bâties autour d’une cour, et des nécropoles. Ils s’organisent déjà en...


19/08/2007 00:00

Chinese Cities, Indian Cities: a telling contrast

China and India are the two demographic giants of the planet. They count together close to 2.5 billion inhabitants, representing more than 37 % of the world population (estimated at 6.6 billion people in 2007). They are about to become economic giants and are seriously shaking traditional power...


05/05/2007 00:00

Chine, 3000 ans d'urbanisation en spirale

L’histoire de la Chine illustrerait selon certains spécialistes une loi fondamentale de la dialectique, celle de l’unité des contraires. L’histoire de l’urbanisation chinoise alterne effectivement des phases de centralisation et d’autonomie, de structuration pyramidale et de laisser-faire...


01/05/2007 00:00

China Urban History (in Chinese)

China - 3000 years of Urbanization.pdf  Urban Planning Forum, Tongji University, 2007
