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07/06/2007 00:00

Villes chinoises et indiennes, UNESCO, Paris

Villes chinoises, indiennes.ppt (1,1 MB) 


05/05/2007 00:00

Chine, 3000 ans d'urbanisation en spirale

L’histoire de la Chine illustrerait selon certains spécialistes une loi fondamentale de la dialectique, celle de l’unité des contraires. L’histoire de l’urbanisation chinoise alterne effectivement des phases de centralisation et d’autonomie, de structuration pyramidale et de laisser-faire...


01/05/2007 00:00

China Urban History (in Chinese)

China - 3000 years of Urbanization.pdf  Urban Planning Forum, Tongji University, 2007


01/05/2007 00:00

China, 3000 years of urbanization

There is an amazing correlation between the urbanization process and the historical evolution of the central-regional-local relationships in China.    The history of China, an immense country, is often described as a succession of order and chaos, of multiple kingdoms in permanent war...


27/04/2007 00:00

Forty years of responses to urbanisation in Africa, ADB, Tunis

40 years in Africa AfDB.ppt (1,3 MB) 


03/03/2007 00:00

Heated Debates on Water and Sanitation

According to the recent Human Development Report[1] the world faces a water crisis rooted in inequality and flawed water management policies.  More than 1 billion people are denied the right to clean water and 2.6 billion lack access to adequate sanitation.   Every year, according to the...


01/03/2007 00:00

Three things we should know about slums

Slums are economically useful, a reflection of the urban social divide, and a bedrock of human resilience. They are not a market failure, but a market success…               Why Slums? According to UN-HABITAT slums represent one third of...


01/01/2007 00:04

How to do a powerpoint?

Effective ppt presentation.ppt by Victor Chen(798,5 kB) 


01/12/2005 00:00

Two decades of Urban Management Programme

The UMP was initiated in 1986 at Istanbul, 10 years after the first Habitat conference, and a decade before Habitat II. Its launch marked an important step in the evolution of international thinking on urban development. In 1976, at Vancouver, the world discovered slums and squatter settlements,...


01/06/2005 00:00

Spatial inequalities – the need for affirmative action

The concept of affirmative action was born in the 1960’s of the civil rights movement in the USA. Affirmative action policies have been implemented in many countries – particularly India, the United States and South Africa – to redress historical racial and sexual discrimination. In the United...
